The Power of the Jaw in Speech and Feeding

SKU: 3845
heart icon 62
heart icon CEUs 0.15
Regular price $99.00
The Power of the Jaw in Speech and Feeding
The Power of the Jaw in Speech and Feeding

The Power of the Jaw in Speech and Feeding

SKU: 3845
heart icon 62
heart icon CEUs 0.15
Regular price $99.00

Vanessa Anderson-Smith, MA, CCC-SLP, COM®

Participants will learn how the jaw impacts the movement and stability, grading, and dissociation of the muscles of the oral cavity.  How much strength and stability the jaw has will provide for increased precision with movement for the lips, cheeks, and tongue.  This is foundational for speech, oral rest posture, and proper swallowing.  Topics in this presentation will include anatomy, growth and development of the jaw, and exercises on how to optimize function.  

Event Information

Course Description

Participants will learn how the jaw impacts the movement and stability, grading, and dissociation of the muscles of the oral cavity.  How much strength and stability the jaw has will provide for increased precision with movement for the lips, cheeks, and tongue.  This is foundational for speech, oral rest posture, and proper swallowing.  Topics in this presentation will include anatomy, growth and development of the jaw, and exercises on how to optimize function!

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to: 

  1. Explain why targeting jaw stability is essential in obtaining long term myofunctional goals.
  2. Identify patients who have poor jaw stability
  3. Explain a minimum of 3 different jaw stability exercises to implement with patients.  
  4. Describe contraindications when implementing jaw exercises. 

E-Learning Details

Instructor Details and Financial Disclosure 


  • Online ONLY for 1 learner -- ACCESS TO ONLINE COURSE (downloadable handout)

Timed Agenda

  • 15 minutes: Introduction and overview
  • 15 minutes: What does the research say?
  • 45 minutes: Signs/symptoms of poor jaw stability
  • 30 minutes: Exercise examples and video case studies



 Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

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It is the learner's responsibility to review, understand and agree to TalkTools® Training Policies (CEUs, copyright/distribution, cancellation). 

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